Industry Boost: VET Industry Currency Forums – Electrical

The VET Development Centre (VDC) has partnered with TAFE Directors Australia to deliver a national program of VET Industry Currency Forums in 2023. In this forum TAFE & RTO educators will learn about the future of work in the electrical industry and how to prepare their VET students for work or further study through discussions with the speakers and national peers to stimulate best practice delivery in Australia.


The VET Development Centre (VDC) has partnered with TAFE Directors Australia to deliver a national program of VET Industry Currency Forums in 2023. The Industry Boost program provides a high-profile, best practice initiative, to stimulate industry currency for TAFE & RTO educators. Mapped to the VET Practitioner Capability Framework and ASQA standards, online forums will be hosted by an experienced AQTF auditor, discussing the industry currency requirements of educators. The forums will also present leading Australian experts from industries identified with skills shortages and associated VET courses. TAFE & RTO educators will learn about the future of work in their industry areas and how to prepare their VET students for work or further study through discussions with the speakers and national peers to stimulate best practice delivery in Australia.

In the VET Electrical Industry Forum to be held in June, Chief Executive Officer of the NECA Education & Careers, Gideon Perrott and Head of Strategy & Commercialisation, Chris Stark are ready to discuss the current and future industry needs of electrical contractors. TAFE & RTO Electrical educators will learn about the current employment and skills needs of industry and future career opportunities in the electrical industry that can be achieved through short courses. Chris’ work takes a deep dive into the incentives, barriers, and levers for change in industry that can be used to inform future training needs.

By attending this industry forum, electrical educators have the opportunity to discuss upcoming changes in their industry and boost their industry currency to improve student outcomes in areas with skills shortages.                                                                          


Am I eligible?

These industry forums are exclusively for TAFE & RTO educators.

Certificate of Attendance

Attendance at VET Industry Boost Forums includes a certificate to record your currency and professional development.

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