Webinar Recording: Reflection Makes us Smarter
This session embeds theory into practical situations and encourages educators to reflect on the way student learning occurs.
Are you battling with the intricacies of enhancing student learning through Reflective Practice? Are you finding it tough to infuse Reflective Practice into your teaching methodology effectively, even though you know it will improve student engagement and learning outcomes?
You’re invited to join Kay Schlesinger for this comprehensive 90-minute webinar, where you’ll dive deep into the abundant benefits of Reflective Practice for both educators and learners. We interweave theory with practical scenarios and encourage you to reflect on how student learning unfolds.
You’ll learn more about the benefits of reflection for educators and students, sources of insights, the balance of educator talk versus active learner involvement, strategies to reflect on student learning, learning theories to inform Reflective Practice, becoming a better educator, and practical Reflective tools you can utilise.
What's more, you'll leave the webinar with an understanding of the advantages of Reflective Practice, an opportunity to reflect on your current practices, activities to engage learners in shared reflection, and strategies to enhance your effectiveness as an educator.
Don’t miss this opportunity to improve your teaching methods and, in turn, your students' learning experience?
"Kay was a very knowledgeable and engaging presenter, who included lots of practical strategies for teachers to utilise straight away."
Topics Covered
- What does reflection offer educators and students?
- Who offers us insights?
- Reflecting on educator talk vs active learner involvement
- Reflecting on student learning
- Learning theory to inform reflective practice
- Becoming a better educator
- Reflective tools you can use
Learning Outcomes
- An insight into the benefits of Reflective Practice
- An opportunity to reflect on current educator practice
- Activities to utilise with learners to cultivate shared reflection
- Reflective Practice strategies to increase educator effectiveness
This session is relevant for educators who want to improve learning and teaching through the lens of reflective practice.
Once you have viewed this webinar recording, you will receive a certificate to record your currency and professional development.