eLearn: Quality Assessment Practices
This Skills First eLearn provides opportunities to build your network of contracted training providers and work collaboratively to extend your understanding of quality assessment practice and tools.
The Victorian Skills Authority (VSA) provides funding to the VET Development Centre (VDC) to deliver workforce development training to improve the knowledge, skills and practice of VET teachers, trainers and assessors, and strengthen the learning environment, experience and outcomes for all VET learners.
In response to feedback from contracted training providers, VSA is funding professional development to support training providers in maintaining quality assessment practices that are consistent with their obligations as Registered Training Organisations and contracted providers.
Registrants will be able to complete this at their own pace within the 60 day enrolment period.
If registering in both Assessing Learners Effectively and Quality Assessment Practices, the Assessing Learners Effectively eLearn should be undertaken first and then the Quality Assessment Practices eLearn.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this eLearn, you should be able to:
- describe how to use ‘assessment essentials’—for example, the Principles of Assessment and Rules of Evidence—to ensure quality assessment practices as a Skills First provider
- identify features of quality assessment processes and systems
- identify strategies you can use in your role to support quality assessment practice in your Skills First organisation.
This eLearn is designed for VET teachers, trainers and assessors of Training Providers of Accredited Training with a Skills First contract and is aligned to the following domains and related capabilities/learning outcomes as prescribed in the VET Practitioner Capability Framework (IBSA 2013): Assessment | Systems & Compliance
Level - Intermediate (build on your existing knowledge): These sessions are aimed at practitioners that have specialised theoretical knowledge and practical experience of training and assessment; they employ a wide range of teaching and assessment methods and provide guidance and support to practitioners.
On successful completion of this eLearn, you will receive a certificate to record your currency and professional development.