Good Practice Language, Literacy &, Numeracy, Digital Skills Assessment
This workshop will cover obligations to assess and support language, literacy, numeracy and digital skills, the framework/s used for assessment and support, LLND assessment tools and tasks, and strategies to support learners to develop the LLND skills they need.
The Victorian Skills Authority (VSA) funds VDC to deliver free workforce development training to improve the knowledge, skills and practice of VET teachers, trainers and assessors, and strengthen the learning environment, experience and outcomes for all VET learners.
This workshop will cover obligations to assess and support language, literacy, numeracy and digital skills, the framework/s used for assessment and support, LLND assessment tools and tasks, and strategies to support learners to develop the LLND skills they need.
Topics Covered include:
- Obligations to assess potential learners’ LLND skills
- Quick overview of the ACSF, including Pre Level 1 and the Digital Literacy Skills Framework
- Pre-training LLND assessments, including commercial products and assessments developed in-house
- Examples of ACSF assessment tasks and making judgements about the evidence they produce
- Placement of learners in qualifications, based on LLND skills
- Supporting learners to develop the LLND skills they need.
Learning Outcomes
- Knowledge of the ACSF including Pre Level 1 and the Digital Literacy Skills Framework
- How to recognise, and develop good LLND assessment tasks
- Knowledge of how to place learners in vocational qualifications
- Strategies to support the development of LLND skills.
This program is for training providers with a 2025 VET Funding Contract and for training provider staff with responsibility for ensuring that students are directed to suitable and appropriate training.
The program is aligned to the following domains and related capabilities/learning outcomes as prescribed in the VET Practitioner Capability Framework (IBSA 2013): Teaching | Assessment | Systems & Compliance
Level - Introductory (new to the topic): This session is aimed at practitioners that have a broad theoretical knowledge and practical experience of training and assessment.
Session includes
- Morning tea and lunch
- Workbook
- Certificate of attendance & Digital Badge