Illuminate Forum - How to Engage with Industry as a VET Practitioner
Come and join us at the VDC for an exclusive chance to learn how educators in vocational education and training can better connect with industry.
The International Specialised Skills Institute and the Victorian Skills Authority (VSA) supports Fellows to drive best practice, innovation and to create a lasting impact within the Victorian VET sector.
Our Illuminate Forums offer a platform for engaging in discussions on a wide range of subjects within the VET sector. These forums enable participants to tap into the expertise of our Fellows, who bring their extensive international applied research knowledge to the table. Additionally, we extend a warm welcome to incoming Fellows, providing them with the opportunity to share insights on international best practices in the VET sector.
Engaging with industry
Come and join us at the VDC for an exclusive chance to learn how educators in vocational education and training can better connect with industry.
This ISS Institute VDC Illuminate forum will showcase our esteemed incoming Fellow, Mergim Jahiu from Switzerland, who is a renowned expert in VET and possesses extensive professional experience in international cooperation related to vocational skills development. Mergim will generously share his invaluable perspectives and expertise on effectively engaging with the industry as a VET Practitioner.
Mergim Jahiu is an expert in VET with professional experience in international cooperation for vocational skills development. He has worked at the ILO, SERI, and the Geneva office for education and training. His expertise lies in policy and implementation of VET, including dual model development, curriculum development, and teacher training. In January 2022, he became a Swiss member of CEDEFOP’s community of apprenticeship experts. In addition to various continuous trainings in Skills development, Mergim Jahiu holds a bachelor’s degree in international relations from the University of Geneva, Switzerland, as well as a master’s degree in public international law from the University of Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Joining Mergim are Ani Tom Vellaramkunnel and Rajesh Iyer, International Specialised Skills Institute outgoing Fellows. They have recently concluded their Fellowship reports on how to support workplace learning and engage with industry when writing assessments.
With an emphasis on tangible strategies and approaches, participants will acquire valuable resources to enrich their personal growth as VET professionals.
VET practitioners and/or VET sector managers and educators.
This session will be held concurrently online via ZOOM and In-Person.
If attending in person, the session will be held at the VET Development Centre located at Level 8, 379 Collins Street, MELBOURNE VIC 3000.
Welcome & Introduction | 9:15am - 9:25am
Dr. Katrina Jojkity - CEO ISS Institute
Connecting with Industry | 9:30am – 10:30am
Ani Tom Vellaramkunnel and Rajesh Iyer- ISS Institute Fellows
• The Fellowship experience – sharing the insights, Fellowship findings, outcomes.
• Practical advice or findings for VET professionals on how to support workplace learning and engage with industry when writing assessments.
Tea Break | 10:30am - 11:00am
Catering provided.
International Best Practice on How to Engage with Industry as a VET Practitioner | 11:00am - 12:30pm
Mergim Jahiu - Mergim Jahiu - ISS Institute incoming Fellow from Switzerland
Question Time with Mergim Jahiu | 12:30pm- 1:00pm
Mergim Jahiu - ISS Institute incoming Fellow from Switzerland
Lunch | 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Catering provided.
Practical Workshop: How to Engage with Industry as a VET Educator | 2:00pm - 3:15pm
Mergim Jahiu - ISS Institute incoming Fellow
Conclusion and Wrap Up | 3:15pm - 3:30pm
Reflective Practice activity at the end of the day for the participants
Kay Schlesinger - ISS Institute program manager and Dr. Katrina Jojkity - CEO ISS Institute